

Monday, January 28, 2013

HL-2 BW 034

HL-2 BW 034
1.       Differentiate between absolute and relative poverty

Relative poverty-comparitive level of poverty
 Completely relative-50% 60% of average income

 Absolute poverty-
 Don’t have the necessities for survival
 1.25$ a day-set by the World Bank

2.        Define and illustrate a poverty trap
Poverty trap- Any linked combination of barrier to growth and development
Growth leads to low income leads to low level of savngs leads to low levels of investment
Development leads to low income which leads to low productiviety which leads to low level of human capital

3.       List and define each of the single indicators: Financial, Health, Education
Financial- such as GDP per capita or GNI are indicators used to assess growth or development

Health- life expectancy at birth
-          Infant mortality rate
Education measures- Adult lit rate
Net enrolment ratio in primary

-          In general which will be higher for a developing country?
GDP/capita or GNI/ capita
GDP/ Capita or GDP/ Capita (PPP)

GNI for developed countries
GDP/Capita for developng countries

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