

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BW 35

BW 35

Name and explain composite indicators of development
1-      Human development index- number between 0-1 of the standard of living in a country based on health, education and gdp
Health- Health measures-Life expectancy- Average number of years a person is expected to live in a country
Infant mortality rates- number of deaths of babies under the age of one
Education- adult literacy rate
 Measure of the proportion of adults over 15 who are literate
Net enrollment in primary education- measure of the ratio of children enrolled in primary school of the primary school age
Financial measures- GDP per capita and GNI are often used to assess growth and development
Purchasing power parity
2. GDI- gender related development index- adjusted for inequalities between men and women
3. GEM-Gender empowerment measure- looks at numbers figures about women in leadership managerial, and parliamentary positions
 Between 0-1
4. Human poverty index HPI- Level of deprivation and poverty experienced in a country
5. Genuine progress indicator- Attempts to measure a country's growth has actually led to an increase in welfare of its people
Gdp +includes work such as volunteerism that wasn’t included in the GDP
Excludes costs of external costs of production.

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