

Monday, September 10, 2012

inflation BW

Bell work 10/09/2012
1.       Explain the reasons gov. aim to maintain a low and stab rate of inflation.
There are many costs to inflation and deflation and this is why gov. aim to mainatain a low and stable rate of inflation
Loss of purchasing power- when inflation rises faster than wages, people lose purchasing power.
Effects on savings- when inflation ries faster than the interest rate, negative savings can occur.
Effects on interest rates- when inflation occurs, banks mist raise interest rates in order to maintain profits from lending money
Effects on international comp.- when inflation occurs, goods produced domestically become less appealing to foreigners.
Uncertainty- when inflation occurs and banks raise interest rates, business confidence drops, uncertainty occurs and firms spend less on investment.
Labor unrest- if labor feels wages are not kept up with inflation- disuputes and riots occur

Costs of deflations
Unemployment- when AD is low, businesses tend to lay of workers
Effects on investment- during deflation firms make less, they then lay of workers
Costs to debtors- value of loans decrease
2.       What is the difference between deflation and disinflation?
Disinflation is a slower rate of inflation, inflation is still going up, just at a slower pace
Deflation is a negative inflatin rate
3.       Which is worse inflation or deflation? Why?
Argued that deflation is worse since the country will experience less output, experience unemployment and possible fall into a deflationary spiral

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