

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bellwork 27/08/12

Bell work entry 1
1.       Chart macro economic objectives
Economic growth
1. a steady rate of increase of national output
a low level of unemployment
Price stability
a low and stable rate of inflation
External stability
a favorable balance of payments position.
Income distribution
an equitable distribution of income

2.       Diagram, illustrate the classic and Keynesian viewpoint

Look at paper

3.       Create a chart that demonstrates expansionary demand side policies (divided into interventionist and market based)
Decrease tax
Increase government spending
Decrease in interest rates
increase in money supply
Interventionist supply side policies (keynsisian)
Market based supply side policies (classic)
Investment in human capital
(education) (training)
Reduction in household income taxes
Research and development
Tax incentives, enforcing intellectual. Property rights or research and development in universities
Reduction in corporate taxes
Provision and maintenance of infrastructure
Labor market reform
1)reduce trade union power
2) reduce or eliminate minimum wage
3) reduce unemployment benefits
Direct support for businesses/industrial policies
Anti trust laws, helping small/medium sized firms become established and grow
Policies to increase competition

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