Kristian Villadsen
Bell work
Chart/list some of the difficulties in masuring
Definition of unemployment varies from country to country, data inconsistency,
difference in disparities (age and gender), hidden unemployment.
35.5 million people of whom 17.3 million are in the
labour force. 1.5 illion work part tme thogh would work full time, 0.5 are
discouraged and 1.4 are looking but cant find any. What is the unemployment rate
1.4/17.3*100=8.1 %
3. Create a graphic organizer showing some of the costs of unemployment
Important because of the high
- costs to the unemployed:
receive less income, lower standard of living, dejected, stress and erosion of
mental health.
- cost to society- areas of unemployment
there is poverty, homelessness, higher rates of crime and gang activity
Connected not solely to unemployment
-Costs of unemployment to the
economy as a whole: less output, higher government spending
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