

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

bell work, unemployment

Kristian Villadsen
Bell work
1.      Chart/list some of the difficulties in masuring unemployment
Definition of unemployment varies from country to country, data inconsistency, difference in disparities (age and gender), hidden unemployment.
2.      35.5 million people of whom 17.3 million are in the labour force. 1.5 illion work part tme thogh would work full time, 0.5 are discouraged and 1.4 are looking but cant find any. What is the unemployment rate
1.4/17.3*100=8.1 %
3. Create a graphic organizer showing some of the costs of unemployment
Important because of the high costs
- costs to the unemployed: receive less income, lower standard of living, dejected, stress and erosion of mental health.
- cost to society- areas of unemployment there is poverty, homelessness, higher rates of crime and gang activity
Connected not solely to unemployment
-Costs of unemployment to the economy as a whole: less output, higher government spending

Monday, August 27, 2012


Cost of inflation
Negative consequences in high levels of inflation
-          Loss of purchasing power
An increase or decrease in how much consumers can buy with a given amount of money. Consumers lose purchasing power when prices increase, and gain purchasing power when prices decrease. Causes of purchasing power loss include government regulations, inflation and natural and man-made disasters. Causes of purchasing power gain include deflation and technological innovation.

-          Effects on saving
Inflation discourages saving because money loses its purchasing power
-          Effects on interest rates
Increase their interest rates in order to keep their real rate they earn positive
-          Effects on international competitiveness
Their exports will be  less competitive
-          Uncertainty
Firms are discouraged to invest
-          Labour unrest
Wages arnt kept up with inflation
Persistent fall of average prices in the economy
Good and bad
Good- improvements in supply side of the economy/ productivety
Bad- demand side
Costs of deflation
-          Unemployment
Demand is low so they lay of workers
-          Effects on investment
Firms make less profit or losses so they stop investment and lower confidence
-          Cost to debitors
Bankruptcies beause they cant pay back their banks
How is inflation measured
Cpi- consumer price index
Rpi- retail price index
Measure in a group of items
Each thing has a weighting

Issues involved in the measure of inflation
1.       Not applicable to all people as different families spend differently
2.       Errors in the collection of data
3.       Takes time to add or remove items
4.       Different countries have different ways of measuring inflation
5.       Prices may change in such reasons as season
6.       Another system measures price of raw materials
Causes of inflation
Demand pull
Cost push
Excess monetary growth
"There are different kinds of inflation in the world today. Basically, there are four main types which include wage inflation, cost-push inflation, pricing power inflation and secortoral inflation.Wage inflation is also known as demand-pull inflation. Demand-pull inflation is dependent on the demand of goods which changes the price of the product. During war time, this type of inflation may 
change dramatically.Cost-push inflation changes when the cost of goods needed for production changes. This in turn drives the cost of goods up. This type of inflation is also affected by increasing costs in labor.Pricing power inflation is also known as administered price inflation. When companies decide to raise the cost of their prices to increase their profits this type of inflation is in play.Sectoral inflation is a more specified inflation that takes place when a certain sector increases prices across the board. One great example of this type of inflation is the oil industry.

Reducing inflation

Calculating inflation

The inglation unemployment trade off debate

A low and stable rate of inflation

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bellwork 27/08/12

Bell work entry 1
1.       Chart macro economic objectives
Economic growth
1. a steady rate of increase of national output
a low level of unemployment
Price stability
a low and stable rate of inflation
External stability
a favorable balance of payments position.
Income distribution
an equitable distribution of income

2.       Diagram, illustrate the classic and Keynesian viewpoint

Look at paper

3.       Create a chart that demonstrates expansionary demand side policies (divided into interventionist and market based)
Decrease tax
Increase government spending
Decrease in interest rates
increase in money supply
Interventionist supply side policies (keynsisian)
Market based supply side policies (classic)
Investment in human capital
(education) (training)
Reduction in household income taxes
Research and development
Tax incentives, enforcing intellectual. Property rights or research and development in universities
Reduction in corporate taxes
Provision and maintenance of infrastructure
Labor market reform
1)reduce trade union power
2) reduce or eliminate minimum wage
3) reduce unemployment benefits
Direct support for businesses/industrial policies
Anti trust laws, helping small/medium sized firms become established and grow
Policies to increase competition