

Monday, October 22, 2012

data response

Data response excercise-
1.  A. dumping-the flooding of a market, especially one in a foreign country, with cheaply priced merchandise
B. unemployment-the condition of having no job

as the graph shows because of the tariffs the imports have decreased thus more wheels are being produced within the country.

3. demand deficit unemployment because the economuy has reached a stage of slow growth or negative growth thus consumers spnd less on goods and services. thus leading to increased unemployment

4.The consequences  on the chinese economy is taht the economy of china may have a slowing in economic growth becasue they are not able to sell their goods over seas. Thre is also a loss in world effeciency as the goods china could have sold to America are now not being sold but rather produced by less effecient domestic suppliers instead of chine supplier thus ending in a dead weight loss of welfare. 

notes for free trade

Free trade
International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.
For and against protectionsim
        For- protects domestic employment
Protect economy from low cost labour
Protect infant industries
Avoid over-specialization
Strategic reasons
Prevent dumping
Protect product standards
Raise gov revenue
Correct balance of payment deficit

raise prices for consumers
Less choice for consumers
Decreased competition
Inefecient use of world resources
Hinder economic growth

Types of protectionism
Tar       Tarrifs- a tarrif is a tax put on imported goods causing a shift in supply curve of the world.
U  Used as anti dumping.
      Leads to loss of sconsumer surplus leading to loss of welfare
     D  now produced by relatvly inefficient domestic farmer leading to a welfare loss
                                          Amount of money paid to a firm
      Leads to more wheet produced by domestic which leads to ineffeciency leading to loss of welfare
     Indirectly leads to increase in taxes etc.

    Ad   A physical limit set on the numbers or value of goods that can be imported into a country
 L  leads to loss of consumer surplus which leads to loss of welfare


Admin barriers
   Dd red tape- admin red tape they have to pass leads to higher costs and slowness
D     health and safety standards and eviromental standards- rstrict for the sake of standards but still need to keep up imports                                     embargos- an extreme qyota, a form of extreme politcal punishment         
Nationilstic campeign
A ad A country might try to run marketing campeigns in order to encourage people to buy domestic

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Free trade bw

a)      Free trade-                        International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.
b)       For- protects domestic employment
Protect economy from low cost labour
Protect infant industries
Avoid over-specialization
Strategic reasons
Prevent dumping
Protect product standards
Raise gov revenue
Correct balance of payment deficit

Against- raise prices for consumers
Less choice for consumers
Decreased competition
Inefecient use of world resources
Hinder economic growth

c)       Prob diesl
Chip c

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

work sheet for intl. trade

Name ___________________
S21: Why Do Countries Trade Objectives Based Review
1. Objective 1: Define international trade.
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries.

2. Objective 2: Identify and explain the gains from trade:
Lower prices
Allows consumers to buy goods and services at lower than domestic price.
Greater choice
IT enables consumers to have a greater choice of products
Differences in recourses
It allows access to resources a country may lack or choose not to exploit.
Economies of scale
When there is international trade there is a larger market thus level of prod. will increase
Increased competition
Increased competition leads to greater efficiency
More efficient allocation of resources
w/o gov’t interference
Source of foreign exchange
IT enables countries to obtain foreign exchange

3. Objective 3: Define and give examples of specialization and the division of labor.
Specialization occurs whena firm or a country concentrates production on one or a few goods or services
In it theory specialization forms basis for the gains from trade
According to comparative advantage and economies of scale of labor
4. Objective 4: Define, explain, illustrate   and give examples of absolute advantage. (HL)
Define Absolute Advantage: When a country can produce more of a product than another country using fewer resources.
Explain the theory of absolute advantage: The theory of absolute advantage states that if a country specializes and exports a product in which it has an Absolute Advantage in production the result is an increase in production and consumption of that product.

Illustrate reciprocal absolute advantage and total absolute advantage on a graph.
Reciprocal AA                                                Complete AA

Give examples of absolute advantage:

5. Objective 5: Define, explain, illustrate and give examples of comparative advantage.
Define comparative advantage:
If a country can produce a good at a lower opp. cost than another country

Explain the theory of comparative advantage:
The theory of Comparative Advantage demonstrates that as long as opportunity cost are different between countries then if they specialize in the product in which they have a lower opportunity cost in producing and trade for the other product then both countries can consume beyond their PPC.

Illustrate comparative advantage on a graph. Also illustrate the one situation when countries would not benefit from trade.

Give examples of comparative advantage:

6. Objective 6: Calculate opportunity costs to identify comparative advantage.


Who has the absolute advantage in producing cotton? Cars?
Cotton- EU
Cars- Eu
Who has the comparative advantage in producing cotton? Cars?
Cotton- Egypt
Cars- EU
Suggest a favorable rate of exchange:
Cotton 0.35
Illustrate the gains from trade on a graph:

Objective 7: Explain the limitations of comparative advantage theory.
Perfect knowledge
It is assumed there is perfect knowledge
Transport costs
assumed there is no transport costs
2 countries producing 2 goods
assume that there are only 2 economies producing 2 goods
Economies and diseconomies of scale
assumed that costs do not change with economies or diseconomies of scale
Identical goods
goods traded are assumed to be identical
Factors of production
factores of production stay in country
Free trade
factors of production stay in country

8. Objective 8: Describe the objectives and functions of the World Trade Organization.
Define WTO:
The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Aims of the WTO:
Increase intl. trade by lowring trade barriers and providn a forum for negotioants
Functions of the WTO:

-admin. wto trade agreements
 - be a forum for negotiation
 - handle trade disputes
 - monitor trade policies
 - provider assistence and training for developing copuntries
 - coop with other countries

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bellwork for oct 7th - oct 18th

1)absalute advantage 2)WTO 3) goals 4) members

1/3 B

Egypt should prod A and tunisia B

A=20 (2.5)=50
B= 0.5 (30) 12
2.5 = rat of excnanch

WToƆ less rules
resolves disputes
les barriers
trade policies

non members- vatican, emen egypt

member- egypt canada italy

the rules are strict


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

HL2 BW 017

1.     Absolute advantage- Production of a good if it can produce it using fewer resources than another country
Comparative advantage- If a country can produce a good at a lower opp. cost than another country
2.     Reciprocal absolute advantage- If you have reciprocal absolute advantage. The country should specialize in that good/service.
3.     What gives a country comparative advantage- The endowment of resources
1. It is assumed there is perfect knowledge
2. assumed there is no transport costs
3. assume that there are only 2 economies producing 2 goods
4. assumed that costs of not change with economies or diseconomies of scale
5. goods traded are assumed to be identical
6. factors of production stay in country
7. assumed there is perfect free trade

Monday, October 8, 2012

HL-2 BW 016

1)International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. Such as China selling potassium to England.
2) 1. lower prices
2. greater choice
3. Differences in resources- some countries need the natural resources to make goods or for survival
4. economies of scale- when there is international trade there is a larger market thuse level of prod. will increase
5. increased competition- leads to greater efficiency
6. More efficient allocation of resources 
7. source of foreign exchange

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why do countries trade

Why do countries trade
The gains from international trade
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries.
1. lower prices
2. greater choice
3. Differences in resources- some countries need the natural resources to make goods or for survival
4. economies of scale- when there is international trade there is a larger market thuse level of prod. will increase
5. increased competition- leads to greater efficiency
6. More efficient allocation of resources
7. source of foreign exchange
Comparing advantage theory

Absalute advantage-
Production of a good if it can prodiuce it using fewer resoucres than another country.
Comparative advantage-
If a country can produce a good at a lower opp. cost than another country
What gives a country a comparative advantage
Utilizing a countries untapped abundant recources
1. It is assumed there is perfect knowledge
2. assumed there is no transport costs
3. assume that there are only 2 economies producing 2 goods
4. assumed that costs fo not change with economis or diseconomies of scale
5. goods traded are assumed to be identical
6. factores of production stay in country
7. assumed there is perfect free trade
The world trade organiaztion (wto)
40- 4 %
Golbal trade organization
Aims of the WTO
Lower trade barriers and provide forum for negotioation
- admin. wto trade agreements
- be a forum for negotiation
- handle trade disputes
- monitor trade policies
- provider assistence and training for developing copuntries
- coop with other countries

Thursday, October 4, 2012

IB hk2 BW015

a.     positives-
Increase standards of living
can get out of the poverty cycle
High opp. Cost
loss of incentive to work
Does not effect the GDP
Can increase the unemployment rate
b.     Positives-
Will support those poverty
Positive externality of production
Increase in standards of living
High opp. Cost
c.      Postives-
Increase consumption of merit goods
Can support businesses that would otherwise fail
Opportunity costs