

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chapter 4

The interaction of, and applications of demand and supply

Price controls

Price controls

Free market may not have the best outcome

Government intervenes

-max price

-min price

-price support

Comodity agreements

Max price control

Government sets a max price below the equilibrium price

Product is a nessecity

Druing times of food shortage

To ensure poor have food

Problems- black market

Queues at storees

Government might have to reduce the shortage

Shift demand curve to the leftm goes against imposing max cost as it limits consumption

Move supply curve to the right

1-offer subsidys

2- produce good themselves

3- realease stored goods

The governemnt inccurs a cost and forced to take money out of other areas.

Max price control

Sets a a min price above the equilibrium prices

Floor prices

1. to raise income for the producers of goods such as agriculture

2. to proteect workers with min wage

Excess suply creates problems

Surplusses governemt intervenes

Store the surplus, destroy it or sell it abroad

Oppurtinity cost for this though

2 waysfor min cost to be matainined

Quotas and advertizement

Problems may occur

Innificiency and waste of resoruces

Price support and buffer stock schemes

Governments stabilise prices- raw materials

Bumper crop- abundent supply

Poor weather will drive priices up

Big swings in demand on other raw materials too

Swings in the commodity market

Unstabel will cause negative consequences governmetns will intervene

Buffer stock manager sts a price band

Problems- non parishable goods

High costs of storage

Financial preasure

People want high proffit

Commodity agreements

Different countrys ina buffer stock scheme commodity price agreement

Support commodity producers in noob countrys


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